2016 - 2017 Community Crime Prevention Fund
Submissions closed at 12:00PM 2 November 2016 (
Community Crime Prevention Fund
The Community Crime Prevention Fund supports projects that work to address local crime issues across Western Australia. These projects should address one or more of the following identified crime prevention priorities:
- Prevention and early intervention to address the needs of children and families
- Youth justice and reducing re-offending
- Preventing and responding to antisocial behaviour
- Addressing and reducing drug and alcohol related crime or
- Targeting priority crimes in Western Australia as identified.
The following organisations are eligible to apply for grant funding from the Community Crime Prevention Fund:
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisations
- Aboriginal corporations registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 or
- Local Government Authorities.
The following organisations are not eligible for grant funding from the Community Crime Prevention Fund:
- Federal and State Government agencies
- Academic institutions
- Individuals and
- Commercial for-profit organisations.
Maximum Amount: Up to $25,000 per project.
Closing Date and Time: 12.00pm (midday) Wednesday 2 November, 2016
Project time frames are not to exceed 12 months.
Please allow at least three months from the closing date for your application to be processed.
Please download the full Guidelines and Terms and Conditions before completing the application.
Selection Criteria
In deciding whether a grant is to be made from the Community Crime Prevention Fund, the following criteria will apply:
- Eligibility of the applicant
- Proposed project addresses local/district policing crime prevention issues and priorities
- A demonstrated need and potential impact of the proposed project
- Crime prevention outcomes and the outcome measures identified in the proposed project are appropriate, achievable and assessable
- Level of involvement and/or support from local organisations and the community
- Extent to which the proposal has attracted investment by other funding bodies
- Demonstrated capacity of the applicant to implement the proposed project
- Demonstrated capacity of the applicant to manage the financial and reporting obligations of the proposed project
- Grant amount requested does not exceed $25,000
- Requested project term of 12 months and
- Value for money.
Grants from the Community Crime Prevention Fund will not be provided for the following purposes:
- Projects that conflict with current government policy
- Equipment items such as office equipment, computing equipment, motor vehicles or machinery (note: sporting and musical instruments are eligible for consideration of funding. Equipment items normally ineligible for consideration of funding may be granted at the discretion of the Minister based on project impact)
- Capital works, this includes CCTV infrastructure
- Activities that are already established
- Any activity or event that does not occur in Western Australia
- Legal or industrial action
- Meeting existing debts/financial obligations or retrospective funding
- Fundraising
- Offering prizes or gifts
- Promotional products (note: products used to promote community safety and crime prevention messages are eligible for funding)
- Ongoing projects that require continuing grant support
- To applicants that have not fulfilled previous grant requirements, including acquittal reports and evaluations
- To projects or applicants previously defunded by state or commonwealth government agencies due to performance and/or integrity issues and
- Supporting the organisation’s core business.
Contact the Grants Team
Grants Officer: Jacquie Colleran
Telephone: 9222 1669
Email: grants@police.wa.gov.au