WA Police Force

Police Community Services Fund

The Western Australia Police Force have reviewed and realigned all funding arrangements for community services it administers and manages in line with the Agency Commissioning Strategy.

The Police Community Funding Framework has reshaped the way the WA Police Force does business with all community service providers and aligns with WA's Implementation Plan for Closing the Gap and with the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy. These strategies set the WA Government’s high-level strategic approach for working with Aboriginal people towards empowerment and better outcomes across the State and will ensure the outcomes of the services and projects support priorities and targets in the National ‘Closing the Gap’ Agreement.

Our focus is on providing better services to Western Australians that:

  • meets the needs of the people that use them, at the right time and in the right place;
  • are sustainable and delivered by organisations that have the right staff and systems in place;
  • are based on evidence of what works and robust quality standards; and
  • are culturally safe and tailored to local community needs.



Emerging Crime Program

The Emerging Crime Program (ECP) is part of the Police Community Services Funding Framework aimed at supporting local community crime prevention initiatives, involving or supported by police and community working together on projects to address identified crime prevention priorities.

Program Objectives:

  1. Projects and initiatives that contribute to local Pathway for Closing the Gap; Community Action Plans.
  2. Targeting of new and upcoming trends in the community before becoming a consistent behaviour. Examples of emerging crime problems that could be supported (not limited to):
    • Influx of anti-social behaviour at a location.
    • Increase in assaults, burglaries, juveniles in a specific location at night.
    • Lack of Aboriginal cultural initiatives or support in area of need.
    • Recreational or crime prevention projects that allow police to engage in a casual setting with young people or other groups.
    • Projects that support less serious or first-time offenders including services that address the causes of the offending behaviour.
  1. Pilot projects to trial services that address identified community - police needs.

Maximum Amount: Up to $50,000 per project.

For further information contact the Community Partnerships and Support Division on 9222 1423 or email CommunityPartnershipsSupport@police.wa.gov.au 




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